
Tau vs. Orks-1250

       The Orks have denied the greater good yet another time and now the Tau will rip the offending planet from the Orks grasp. It was found out that the Orks had first come to the planet without opposition, it was abandoned and war torn. Whoever was there before either drove themselves to extinction or were destroyed by an attacker who left immediately after his victory. But unbeknown to the Tau a larger force of Orks dwell on the planet then was anticipated. They now look at what may become a war in itself...


        In this capture and control mission, we made a road going through part of the battlefield. This, we decided, would still have active mines in it from the previous race. If any model goes on the road it must take a dangerous terrain test to show the chances of stepping on a mine. There are two objectives, the 'last survivor objective' in Ork territory and the Tau piece objective in my deployment zone.

      Having won the roll off, I chose the bottom left corner and after the Orks set up my two squads of kroot infiltrated to the forest near the Orks.

TURN ONE: TAU-My squad of seven Firewarriors and the Ethereal moved onto the road to get close enough to shoot. Unfortunately it seemed many mines were in this area and I lost three men. My Hammerheads opened fire on the two trukks and scored a wreck on both. The trukk containing the Tankbustas blew up, (because of its special rule) killed one Tankbusta and pinned the rest. The other trukk however went forward towards my Ethereal with its ten Nobs and Warboss before it exploded. My Firewarriors killed two of those Nobs and wounded the Warboss.
        ORKS-Wazdakka was instantly active and turbo-boosted right onto a mine which wounded him. He then proceeded to shoot at and nearly destroy my Hammerhead. It was saved by my disruption pod that gave me a 4+ cover save. The other squad of bikers killed two Kroot. In the assault phase the Nobs and Warboss attacked my Ethereal and four Firewarriors. My drone, who was able to fight first, actually wounded a Nob. He and the rest then died, doing no more damage.
TURN TWO: TAU- My Commander came in from reserves and killed a Warbiker. A squad of Kroot added to this number by one more. Another squad of Kroot killed six of seven Lootas.
        ORKS- Wazdakka, the apparent leader of the army, proved his greatness by assaulting and blowing up my Hammerhead. The other squad of Warbikers killed five Kroot in shooting and assault.


       TURN THREE: TAU- In a combined effort my Firewarriors, Kroot, and Hammerhead annihilated what was left of Wazdakka's entourage and nearly blasted him off his bike. Unfortunately he got away, speed freak that he was, and was removed as a casualty. The defeat of Wazdakka marked the beginning of the end of the battle for the Orks. My Hammerhead destroyed all but one Tankbusta, who was then killed by a Firewarrior. The Kroot claimed the honor of eliminating the last Warbiker of that battle. The Commander tried to keep his distance as he killed four Boyz with his 18" range guns but is still closer than he should be.
        ORKS- In their final attempt to wreck the Tau army, the Boyz assaulted my Commander in hopes to cause chaos and possibly even win. Alas, all hopes were dashed against the rocks for they could only manage to kill the Commander's shield drone. The Commander killed two Orks and thus won the assault. The Orks could stand this no longer, it was not fun killing. It was just their own death and slaughter that they received, and a terrifying Commander whom could not be hurt. They failed their morale check and fell off the edge of the board. And with this I wish I could say I won by wipeout in only three turns but there was one straggler who had not yet fled the battlefield, a single Nob who had failed to fall back in time.
TURN FOUR: TAU- My Commander wounded said Nob and my Hammerhead fired a straight shot at it and finally finished him off.
The Tau had won the planet with relative ease and they wondered at the report of many more Orks. But was it over? Where did Wazdakka go? As far as they could tell he did not leave the planet. Could there be more Orks lurking on the planet? Such questions were yet to be answered but in the meanwhile they had many questions for one who seemed to be the last of his race...

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