This game of apocalypse was played as a three way battle instead of two sides. I had about 6,800pt of Necrons and Tau, the Orks had 6,100pt (alot of proxy though), And the imperial Guard had 6,100pt.
The board was a 6' by 8' connected to a 6' by 4' table. We had 9 objectives, three of which were the leaders of each of our armies. Mine was the Nightbringer, the Orks was Ghazghkull Thraka, and the Imperial Guard's was Creed. *Note: The Necrons were played using the old codex as the new one was not yet out.A key part that really helped me against the Orks was seeker missles. I had tons of them and with them I killed his 3 dreadnoughts, a trukk, and Ghazghkull himself. Early in the game the Ork player also foolishly placed his 30 Boyz with a special character near my Nightbringer. The Nightbringer then used etheric tempest to blow the whole squad off the board before they could even lay a finger on me.
In the end I won the game with three objectives and I would have easily gotten more the next round. The Imperial Guard had 1 and the Orks had none.
Tyranids vs. Tau 2000pt
"What are those?" The Commander of defense thought as he looked to the sky. He had been spending his night thinking up in a high balcony. It seemed to be a giant meteor shower. His mind raced trying to think of what it could be. And then he realized. "Guards! Tell all the sergeants to get their men ready for battle, quickly."
"What is it sir?"
"Tyranids. Lots of them."
In this Seize ground 2000 point game, we had five objectives. The 'Lost man' in the middle, the Skyray missiles near the top left, the spawn pod in the jungle by the Fire Warriors, the Tau piece near the bottom left, and a Tyranid egg (yes its a real egg) towards the middle. (Note: Carnifexs are being used as Tervigons)
Turn two: Tau- My Commander, twenty Kroot, and a squad of Battlesuits deepstrike in. I focus a ton of time on the Termagaunts, killing 14 of them. This I found was a mistake. The Battlesuits however, wound a Tervigon.
Tyranids- 12 Genestealers and a Brood Lord come from reserves and disrupt the kroot assault on the raveners and Termagaunts. (By disrupt I mean they killed all my Kroot before I could fight back.) The Mycetic Spore kills two Kroot and two Fire Warriors. The Termagaunts assault and wound my Commander; he kills only two of them. The Tervigon Prime Blows up my Hammerhead. The Tervigons manage to kill one Battlesuit.
Turn Four: Tau- Hammerhead kills two Termagaunts, Commander kills one last Termagaunt. Fire Warriors kill two Termaagaunts. Battlesuits get two wounds on the Tervigons. The other Battlesuits kill one Shrike and give two wounds to another. Then they assault and do no harm but do not die.
Tyranids- Warriors and Termagaunts kill 4 Fire Warriors to try and keep them from contesting. And finally the Commander falls, but only with the added strength of the Ravener. Thus the opponent (Jenk) was unsuccessful in his self made goal of killing my Commander with only Termagaunts.
Turn Five: Tau- During this round I move my Fire Warriors up to the spore objective and kill all but one of the nasty beasts. I also move my Fire Warrior sergeant (his squad died) up to the lost man objective.
Tyranids- Nothing much happens during this round. The Tyranid Warriors are unsuccessful in killing my single Fire Warrior and my battlesuit lives the assault with the Terivgons.
Turn Five: Tau- During this round I move my Fire Warriors up to the spore objective and kill all but one of the nasty beasts. I also move my Fire Warrior sergeant (his squad died) up to the lost man objective.
Tyranids- Nothing much happens during this round. The Tyranid Warriors are unsuccessful in killing my single Fire Warrior and my battlesuit lives the assault with the Terivgons.
What I should have done differently:
-I should have not payed so much attention to the Termagaunts as to the things spitting them out.
-I should have put my Battlesuits that were assaulted by the Tervigons somewhere with weaker troops (they had flamers.)
-My Ethereal did me no good, I should have at least had him with some Fire Warriors.
The Tau are quickly overthrown as the Tyranids hunt and chase down as many as they can before the Tau make their escape.
"This world has fallen. It will now descend from it's once proud hills to a rotted, dark, and dead world. This day, the tyranids have shown their lustful power, and it is a lust I'm afraid will not end with the taking of one planet." -Commander of defense of the newly named 'death world'
Tau vs. Orks-1250
The Orks have denied the greater good yet another time and now the Tau will rip the offending planet from the Orks grasp. It was found out that the Orks had first come to the planet without opposition, it was abandoned and war torn. Whoever was there before either drove themselves to extinction or were destroyed by an attacker who left immediately after his victory. But unbeknown to the Tau a larger force of Orks dwell on the planet then was anticipated. They now look at what may become a war in itself...
In this capture and control mission, we made a road going through part of the battlefield. This, we decided, would still have active mines in it from the previous race. If any model goes on the road it must take a dangerous terrain test to show the chances of stepping on a mine. There are two objectives, the 'last survivor objective' in Ork territory and the Tau piece objective in my deployment zone.
Having won the roll off, I chose the bottom left corner and after the Orks set up my two squads of kroot infiltrated to the forest near the Orks.
TURN ONE: TAU-My squad of seven Firewarriors and the Ethereal moved onto the road to get close enough to shoot. Unfortunately it seemed many mines were in this area and I lost three men. My Hammerheads opened fire on the two trukks and scored a wreck on both. The trukk containing the Tankbustas blew up, (because of its special rule) killed one Tankbusta and pinned the rest. The other trukk however went forward towards my Ethereal with its ten Nobs and Warboss before it exploded. My Firewarriors killed two of those Nobs and wounded the Warboss.
ORKS-Wazdakka was instantly active and turbo-boosted right onto a mine which wounded him. He then proceeded to shoot at and nearly destroy my Hammerhead. It was saved by my disruption pod that gave me a 4+ cover save. The other squad of bikers killed two Kroot. In the assault phase the Nobs and Warboss attacked my Ethereal and four Firewarriors. My drone, who was able to fight first, actually wounded a Nob. He and the rest then died, doing no more damage.
TURN TWO: TAU- My Commander came in from reserves and killed a Warbiker. A squad of Kroot added to this number by one more. Another squad of Kroot killed six of seven Lootas.
ORKS- Wazdakka, the apparent leader of the army, proved his greatness by assaulting and blowing up my Hammerhead. The other squad of Warbikers killed five Kroot in shooting and assault.
TURN THREE: TAU- In a combined effort my Firewarriors, Kroot, and Hammerhead annihilated what was left of Wazdakka's entourage and nearly blasted him off his bike. Unfortunately he got away, speed freak that he was, and was removed as a casualty. The defeat of Wazdakka marked the beginning of the end of the battle for the Orks. My Hammerhead destroyed all but one Tankbusta, who was then killed by a Firewarrior. The Kroot claimed the honor of eliminating the last Warbiker of that battle. The Commander tried to keep his distance as he killed four Boyz with his 18" range guns but is still closer than he should be.
ORKS- In their final attempt to wreck the Tau army, the Boyz assaulted my Commander in hopes to cause chaos and possibly even win. Alas, all hopes were dashed against the rocks for they could only manage to kill the Commander's shield drone. The Commander killed two Orks and thus won the assault. The Orks could stand this no longer, it was not fun killing. It was just their own death and slaughter that they received, and a terrifying Commander whom could not be hurt. They failed their morale check and fell off the edge of the board. And with this I wish I could say I won by wipeout in only three turns but there was one straggler who had not yet fled the battlefield, a single Nob who had failed to fall back in time.
Planetstrike-2500pt-Tau vs. Imperial Guard
The Imperial Guard is trying to reclaim a just seized Tau planet. The Tau hastily set up some defenses and take refuge in an old Imperial Guard Bastion just as war closes in around them.
TURN ONE: IMPERIAL GUARD: The Imperial Guard started off by launching their Firestorm. However devastating Firestorm normally is, this time it was not so. Though five Vespid and a Kroot lost their lives it was a very small loss. The Imperial Guard player made up for this when the Leman Russ destroyed my Hammerhead's Railgun, rendering it pretty much useless. The two Valkaries move instantly where they want to be and one of them (by the Bastion) drops off a squad of five storm troopers. The Imperial Guard was setting up for the kill.
TAU: During the Tau's first turn, I get my twenty Kroot and a squad of Fire Warriors with a Devilfish. The mission makes it -2 for reserves for the defender so this was a lucky roll. The Fire Warriors disembarked and shot at a heavy weapons squad within twelve inches of them. They couldn't hold against twenty-four shots and were quickly dead. My Battlesuit, armed with a missile pod, immobilized and destroyed the las cannon of the Valkarie by the Bastion. The Fire Warriors in the Bastion killed all five storm troopers who had already taken down the void shield of the building. (Stratagem with armor 12.) Aun'va assaulted the command squad (the squad of five on the upper middle board in the above pic) and killed all but the sergeant. In the corner the Krootox tried to shoot at the Valkarie by the jungle but failed. This, though I knew it not, sealed the fate of most the Kroot.
TURN TWO: IMPERIAL GUARD: This turn was probably one of the most bloody and critical turns for both sides. After getting in the rest of his reserves the Imperial Guard started with Marbo throwing his Demo charge at my Piranha. The grenade veered off and landed square over Aun'va and the sergeant he was in close combat against. Because of Aun'va and his guards incredible immunity to being shot at, only one guard was wounded, where as the Imperial Guard sergeant died. Now open to be shot at Aun’va and his other guard were also wounded by the Hellhound’s hungry flames.
When I placed the Vespid next to the building I had in mind to go a little bit away from it, then rush back at the last moment to seize the victory. When the guardsmen infantry killed two more it was pretty clear the last one would die before he could single-handedly win the game.
With the small stuff taken care of the real chaos began. The heavy weapons squad wreaked the building, which hurt bad enough. The following happened so fast I couldn’t believe my eyes. The Valkarie by the jungle had dropped off ten Catachan, three of which were armed with flamers (one was heavy). The Valkarie started by shooting its two large blast marker, str 4 rockets. BOOM. Nine Kroot blown away. Then the flamers struck. Seventeen more unsaved wounds. That was 27 unsaved wounds that I suffered for not thinking through what a bunch of Catachan were doing in a Valkarie. Then the Demolisher immobilized my Devilfish leaving my Fire Warriors inside way out of reach of any thing they could take. The Chimera killed my Battlesuit and after surviving several maimings from the Leman Russ my Piranha was blown up by that darn Marbo and his Melta bombs. Its explosion wounded Marbo and killed a Fire Warrior.
When I placed the Vespid next to the building I had in mind to go a little bit away from it, then rush back at the last moment to seize the victory. When the guardsmen infantry killed two more it was pretty clear the last one would die before he could single-handedly win the game.
With the small stuff taken care of the real chaos began. The heavy weapons squad wreaked the building, which hurt bad enough. The following happened so fast I couldn’t believe my eyes. The Valkarie by the jungle had dropped off ten Catachan, three of which were armed with flamers (one was heavy). The Valkarie started by shooting its two large blast marker, str 4 rockets. BOOM. Nine Kroot blown away. Then the flamers struck. Seventeen more unsaved wounds. That was 27 unsaved wounds that I suffered for not thinking through what a bunch of Catachan were doing in a Valkarie. Then the Demolisher immobilized my Devilfish leaving my Fire Warriors inside way out of reach of any thing they could take. The Chimera killed my Battlesuit and after surviving several maimings from the Leman Russ my Piranha was blown up by that darn Marbo and his Melta bombs. Its explosion wounded Marbo and killed a Fire Warrior.

Over by the jungle, the Valkarie that still I failed to take down killed three Fire Warriors and wounded the Ethereal. The Guardsmen near the bastion finished the last Vespid and the other Guardsmen squad shot and killed two Fire Warriors. The Chimera killed a couple Stealthsuits and their marker drone. The command squad (different and much superior to the one Aun’va assaulted) included Commissar Yarrick, Colonel Straken, a medic and three others. These are a very lethal bunch, and combined with the feel no pain special rule are almost invincible. This squad hopped out of the Chimera and murdered my two Battlesuits in the shooting phase.
TAU: Last of my reserves, my Piranha comes in and immediately blows up that pesky Valkarie hanging out by the jungle. My Stealthsuits killed one heavy weapons guy and then assaulted them. My Fire Warriors killed five guardsmen with their AP 5 guns and my Hammerhead killed three more thus killing off one full squad of Guardsmen. My Commander, who had deep striked in, shook the Valkarie with his missile pod. My Hammerhead immobilized the Hellhound.
TURN FOUR: IMPERIAL GUARD: Causing trouble still, that Demolisher kills five Fire Warriors and two Kroot. The guardsmen kill another Fire Warrior. My Commander was shot at by the Chimera in full and five of her passengers inside all armed with powerful weapons and still neither he nor either his shield drones were harmed. The Hellhound wounded Aun’va again.

TAU: My Hammerheads shot their Smart Missile System at the Guardsmen and killed four more and finally my Fire Warriors killed the last two Guardsmen in the game. Likewise the Stealthsuits killed the last Heavy weapons men of the game. My Commander immobilized and shook the Chimera. Now the only vehicle of the Imperial Guard that’s wasn’t dead or immobilized was the Demolisher.
TURN FIVE (LAST TURN): IMPERIAL GUARD: Again the Demolisher shot and again five Fire Warriors fell dead and three more Kroot. The Hellhound fired at My Commander but he remained untouchable. The Command squad gets out of the immobilized Chimera and assault and defeat Aun’va. But that was a loss for the greater good, as losing him would enable me to shoot at the Command squad. (cruel, I know, but necessary)
TAU: The Hammerhead and Fire Warriors were lucky enough to kill three inferiors from the Command squad with their twenty-eight shots! The Stealthsuits shook the Hellhound. Finally, yes, that blasted Demolisher was blasted away by my piranha. And though this last part I did purely for funs sake I’ll relay it anyway. My two very much reduced squads of Kroot(2 shapers, 1 Krootox, and 3 other Kroot total) and my wounded Ethereal, with what was left of his honor guard, assaulted the Command squad. My Fire Warriors were enraged by the loss of Aun'va and thus had furious charge and preferred enemy. Of the many wounds I incurred upon them only one man was wounded because of that dang medic. On my side, the Ethereal and his three honor guard were completely wiped out, two Kroot were killed and the rest left running. Later I thought, "wow, that wasn’t as fun as I thought It’d be." But I finished it off by my Commander’s assault move right up to the building which had to have no enemies by it at the end of the game in order for the Imperial Guard to win. VICTORY FOR THE TAU AND THE GREATER GOOD!
Just when the Imperial dogs thought they had beat off the last bunch and won the battle the Commander of the enemy himself came and secured the Bastion long enough for many more reinforcements to come and wipe out the cocky officers.
Tau vs. Imperial Guard 1700pt Game
Pre-game set up. There are three objectives, one artillery gun in the trees, one Skyray missile top in the ship ruins, and the 'lost man' objective in between the building ruins and the Piranha. Half of the force of each side has been placed in reserves as a house rule, and we decided to end the game on turn five as we were short on time.
Turn two: Imperial Guard storm troopers outflank (top left) in an attempt to take down my only transport. Also my last Piranha was wrecked by the veteran squad of the Imperial Guard despite the supremely helpful disruption pods which grant a 4+ cover save to the vehicle.
On my turn I got no reserves in so my only units did what they could. The Fire warriors killed three storm troopers and the pathfinders helped to shoot the remaining seeker missiles, which did nothing. (I should have know better than to bring those in against Imperial Guard.)
Turn three: The Imperial Guard Hellhound killed a few Pathfinders. A sentinel also outflanked to the same area as the storm troopers. A Valkarie came on the board next to my Devilfish.
During my turn I rolled 4 ones in a row for my reserves. (My normal luck for reserve rolls). On the fifth roll I got my Kroot in. My Kroot also used outflank They too went to the same corner of the storm troopers and walker. Here I made a mistake. I set up the Kroot at least one inch around the walker so they could get to the two remaining storm troopers. I then shot my Fire warriors at the walker. My Fire Warriors had twelve strength 5 shots. Three penetrated, and of those three, yes, one had an explode result. This little explosion killed 9 Kroot from my squad of 20. OUCH. The Kroot still however took down the last two storm troopers easily.
Turn four: Imperial Guard special character Marbo came on this turn to try and take out my Devilfish. He failed, getting only a weapon destroyed. The attack was heavy on my Devilfish, as the Imperial Guard had virtually nothing else to shoot at. But I had a good reason for having the Pathfinder’s Devilfish- When a suit deep strikes you can reroll the scatter dice if you’re in Line-Of-Sight. I was planning on taking the objectives and as many enemy units as I could that turn and that would require some pretty risky deep strikes. After being immobilized, shaken, plus the Marbo attack, the little transport still held together. The Valkarie, stuffed with Catachan troops, raced towards the missile objective.
Finally it was the big turn. In my roll for reserves I got in all my men save one Fire Warrior squad. (A useful model for the IG was their astropath who gives a +1 to the players reserve rolls and -1 to the opponents.) Aun'va was one that made it on the board that turn. I brought him in because he is good in assault against weaklings. However in this game Aun'va was far out of reach of any infantry units, and overall he proved useless. He went towards the objective just in case the Imperial Guard could magically conjure up some troops to secure it, but that is all. My Fire Warrior squad emptied from the bastion and rushed towards the objective. The Kroot, not far behind, went towards it as well. The 'lost man' objective would be mine. The other two reserves I had was a squad of three Crisis suits and my Commander. The Crisis suits deep striked on the side of the Lehman Russ by the artillery objective. The Commander tried the same but would have landed right on top of a terrain piece and gone straight to the dreaded mishap table. Luckily I made sure to have my pathfinders Devilfish in LOS of my deep strikers. The Commander changed directions and ended up about a foot away from the artillery objective. The crisis suits were my last tank killers that I had left safely in reserve. Armed with fusion blasters (and missile pods if that didn’t get the job done) they quickly blew up the Lehman Russ which threatened my chances of contesting the artillery objective. The Commander shot at the Imperial Guard veterans guarding the objective and killed a couple.
Turn 5: This last turn was the Imperial Guard's last chance to get rid of my Battlesuits who would contest the objective the Imperial Guard held. The Imperial Guard chose to get rid of my Commander- first mistake. I put stimulant injector on my Commander which gives him feel no pain special rule. The full fire power of the Valkarie with the added measure of the Chimera could only kill one shield drone and did not so much as wound the Commander. Seeing that he couldn’t touch the Commander, the Imperial Guard shot their veterans at my crisis suits. They killed two marker drones and wounded one of the suits, not enough. It was after he shot the Valkarie that the Imperial Guard player learned to his dismay that his Valkarie and troops inside hadn't yet reached the missile objective and they could now move no further. The missile objective would be left with no one to claim it at the end of the game.
Despite what the common Imperial Guard commander would do, this player chose to spare his men from possible death and instead shoot his Mantacore and see if he could keep me from taking the 'lost man'. My Kroot were at a range were they might make it to the objective and they might not. So the Mantacore targeted the closer Fire Warriors. With its mighty missiles it destroyed the entire squad of twelve Fire Warriors, finishing them off in one blow. Here the Imperial Guard made a big and could-be game changing mistake. Marbo looked to be in range to assault the Kroot, who might possibly reach the objective if not pulled back from a assault. But whether he didn't notice or had some other unknown purpose for Marbo, I couldn't tell. He did not assault the Kroot. Now only if the Imperial Guard was lucky the Kroot wouldn't reach and they would tie with the Tau, each having no objectives.
Now in the last turn of the game my second squad of Fire Warriors FINALLY came in. They came from the table edge as close as they could get to Marbo and they gunned him down with 24 str 5 shots. Marbo, who could have tied the game for the Imperial Guard, served no purpose because of his General's poor foresight. Next the Tau Commander shot and killed two more veterans, clearing up the forest a bit.
The Kroot are the ones who finally saved the day for the Tau. After moving 6" they ran an amazing 6" more. (They reached the objective as the culmination of moving, assaulting, consolidating, and running ever since turn 3.) Aun'va, who was ahead of them, reached the objective this turn as well.