"What is it sir?"
"Tyranids. Lots of them."
In this Seize ground 2000 point game, we had five objectives. The 'Lost man' in the middle, the Skyray missiles near the top left, the spawn pod in the jungle by the Fire Warriors, the Tau piece near the bottom left, and a Tyranid egg (yes its a real egg) towards the middle. (Note: Carnifexs are being used as Tervigons)
Turn two: Tau- My Commander, twenty Kroot, and a squad of Battlesuits deepstrike in. I focus a ton of time on the Termagaunts, killing 14 of them. This I found was a mistake. The Battlesuits however, wound a Tervigon.
Tyranids- 12 Genestealers and a Brood Lord come from reserves and disrupt the kroot assault on the raveners and Termagaunts. (By disrupt I mean they killed all my Kroot before I could fight back.) The Mycetic Spore kills two Kroot and two Fire Warriors. The Termagaunts assault and wound my Commander; he kills only two of them. The Tervigon Prime Blows up my Hammerhead. The Tervigons manage to kill one Battlesuit.
Turn Four: Tau- Hammerhead kills two Termagaunts, Commander kills one last Termagaunt. Fire Warriors kill two Termaagaunts. Battlesuits get two wounds on the Tervigons. The other Battlesuits kill one Shrike and give two wounds to another. Then they assault and do no harm but do not die.
Tyranids- Warriors and Termagaunts kill 4 Fire Warriors to try and keep them from contesting. And finally the Commander falls, but only with the added strength of the Ravener. Thus the opponent (Jenk) was unsuccessful in his self made goal of killing my Commander with only Termagaunts.
Turn Five: Tau- During this round I move my Fire Warriors up to the spore objective and kill all but one of the nasty beasts. I also move my Fire Warrior sergeant (his squad died) up to the lost man objective.
Tyranids- Nothing much happens during this round. The Tyranid Warriors are unsuccessful in killing my single Fire Warrior and my battlesuit lives the assault with the Terivgons.
Turn Five: Tau- During this round I move my Fire Warriors up to the spore objective and kill all but one of the nasty beasts. I also move my Fire Warrior sergeant (his squad died) up to the lost man objective.
Tyranids- Nothing much happens during this round. The Tyranid Warriors are unsuccessful in killing my single Fire Warrior and my battlesuit lives the assault with the Terivgons.
What I should have done differently:
-I should have not payed so much attention to the Termagaunts as to the things spitting them out.
-I should have put my Battlesuits that were assaulted by the Tervigons somewhere with weaker troops (they had flamers.)
-My Ethereal did me no good, I should have at least had him with some Fire Warriors.
The Tau are quickly overthrown as the Tyranids hunt and chase down as many as they can before the Tau make their escape.
"This world has fallen. It will now descend from it's once proud hills to a rotted, dark, and dead world. This day, the tyranids have shown their lustful power, and it is a lust I'm afraid will not end with the taking of one planet."
-Commander of defense of the newly named 'death world'
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